the Book (press
(bookreview by Jan Kooiman)
In recent years, the number of books dealing with business-society management,
the international business environment, business ethics and corporate communication
has seen an exponential growth. Yet most still do not treat the issues related
to strategies of societal interaction between multinationals, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) and governments in a systematic manner. At last, here
is a book that does just that. This book analyses the nature of the international
bargaining society and globalization as it has matured since the beginning
of the 1990s and in which traditional divides between state, civil society
and markets have become redefined.
Covering key conflicts between large multinationals and NGOs, this revealing text investigates the conflicts surrounding amongst others Burma, blood diamonds, child labour, oil spills, food safety, patents on HIV/AIDS medication and labour rights. The authors formulate clear conditions for an effective functioning of the reputation mechanism and of (self) regulation.
Drawing on a wealth of experience both in research and teaching, the authors have developed a text that integrates reputation, responsibility, international business and politics, ethics and accountability. Clearly constructed around a carefully designed framework, the fascinating cases illustrate the theory, the issues at stake, and provide the reader with a strategic point of view. International Business-Society Management is a must-have book for all those studying or teaching business ethics, reputation, public relations, international business and strategy, international political economy, economic geography, corporate social responsibility or corporate accountability.
Praises, reviews and endorsements for International Business-Society Management can be found under endorsements. Information on how to order can be found here.