Stakeholder dialogue research

The dialogue in general, and the stakeholder dialogue in particular, are seen
nowadays as instruments for facilitating effective communication between company,
government, NGOs, science and other societal groups. The word dialogue has become
a very popular phrase in management, and is often used to describe the collective
forms of corporate interaction and communication. Sometimes it is part of a
deliberate strategy to boost a company’s PR campaign. However, more and
more managers are becoming genuinely interested in engaging in dialogue, not
lastly due to good understanding of their own interest. Very often though, they
do not have a clear understanding of the stakeholder dialogue and the strategies
accompanying it.
The file to be downloaded below is an English translation of chapter two
from the Dutch booklet “the Strategic Stakeholder Dialogue” (Van
Tulder, Kaptein, van Mil and Schilpzand, 2004). The remainder of the booklet
can be obtained as a pdf
file (only in Dutch).
Download the
full booklet “the Strategic Stakeholder Dialogue” (pdf)
(only available in Dutch)
the translated chapter 2 of the report (pdf)